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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.003
WE32100 from 3B15 as control processor
1 or more 3B2/600's as attached processors
Supports tons of SCSI disk
Name Device Code Description
---- ----------- -----------
SBD 0x0001 System motherboard
NI 0x0002 10base5 ethernet card
PORTS 0x0003 Ports card. 4 serial, 1 parallel. (includes HPP)
CTC 0x0005 Cartridge tape controller. 23 MB
NAU 0x0006 Network access unit. 1 MB STARLAN
SCSI 0x0100 SCSI host adapter
AIC 0x0101 Alarm interface circuit
EPORTS 0x0102 Extended ports. 8 serial ports
ISC 0x0201 Intelligent serial controller. Bisync of X.25
XDC 0x0204 External disk controller for 2 more MFM drives
MAU 0xFD00 Math accelerator unit
VCACHE 0xFE00 Extended memory chache (3B2/600 and higher)
MPB 0xFF00 Multiprocessor board (3B2/600 and higher)
Subject: 12 How do I build GCC on the 3B2?
John L. Wehle ported GCC to the WE32000 series processor, and it
first appeared in release 2.2 of GCC.
To build the GCC release on the 3B2, download the latest GCC
distribution and allocate at least 35 MB of disk space to do the
build. Follow the directions in the INSTALL file. The following
are some notes that will make the install go smoother.
First of all, older versions of /lib/cpp are not capable of
processing one of the source files. I recommend building the
distribution until the GNU cpp is done. Then, temporarily replace
your /lib/cpp with the GNU version, and add the following flag to
When stage1 is complete, you could remove the -U__STDC__ flag
and restore your original cpp.
Basically, the steps are as follows:
$ configure --target=we32k-att-sysv3
$ make LANGUAGES=c
$ make stage1
$ make LANGUAGES=c CC=stage1/gcc CFLAGS="-Bstage1/ -g"
[It is imporant to note that due to a bug in the AT&T compiler,
the optimizer doesn't get compiled correctly at this point.]
$ make stage2
$ make CC=stage2/gcc CFLAGS="-Bstage2/ -g -O"
[Some people still have problems with the optimizer at this point.
If you do, just do not use the -O flag when compiling GCC. The
symptom you will experience that tells you the -O flag should be
removed is the compilation of cccp.c will take a VERY long time.
Kill the compile and restart without the -O.]
$ make stage3
$ make CC=stage3/gcc CFLAGS="-Bstage3/ -g -O"
To verify everything built correctly:
$ for file in *.o; do
> tail +10c $file > foo1
> tail +10c stage3/$file > foo2
> cmp foo1 foo2 || echo $file
> done
Then, to install the distribution:
$ make CC=stage3/gcc CFLAGS="-Bstage3/ -g -O" install
Good luck!
[These notes are a combination of my own experiences with building the
GCC compiler on a 3B2/400 and discussions with John Wehle, the author
of the port.]
The GCC binaries available on several anonymous FTP sites will not
work with certain version of the standard C compiler. It appears
to be some sort of linker problem. I may have a fix for it.
Contact me via E-mail if you fall into this category.
Speaking of linker problems, GCC will not work all that well with
the standard C shared library -lc_s. The workaround for this is
to compile your program with GCC, but the link will fail. When it
does, use something like the following to do the link stage:
$ cc -O -L/usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/we32k-att-sysv/2.2.2 program.o \
-o program -lgcc -lc_s
This way, you will not only get fast binaries, but small ones as
You may need to raise your ULIMIT to compile the g++ compiler as
the executable is larger than 1 MB.
Subject: 13 What is the NVRAM SANITY FAILURE?
The full error message resembles the following:
The 3B2 stores information such as the time of day clock and machine
name in non-volatile memory. The memory is backed up by a Lithium
battery, that does die after a few years. The battery is normally
located in the right side of the case, near the cards, and connected to
the motherboard under the card in slot 2. Replacing the battery almost
always requires the complete removal of the card cage. Replacement
batteries can be found at some electronics stores. I won't list exact
specifications because I have seen 3 different types of batteries so
far, and there may be more. Your best bet is to just buy another
batter with the exact same voltage and modify the connector to fit.
Subject: 14 Is there an implementation of SLIP for the 3B2?
Rumor has it that there was one written by Wollongong, but AT&T
purchased exclusive marketing rights to WIN TCP/IP for the 3B2, but
chose NOT to include SLIP. There is the NOS (KA9Q) package that
supposedly provides SLIP capabilities, but I have not tried it and
don't know if it'll run on a 3B2.
Subject: 15 What are the known bugs in the Wollongong WIN TCP software?
From: Steven M. Kilby <skilby@ucqais.cba.uc.edu>
The rexecd released with WIN TCP for the 3B2 has the following bug.
This bug has been verified on a 400 with TCP 3.0.1 and 3.2. When executing
a command using the rexecd daemon, the gid of the user is set and left at
root. This is very apparent when executing a command that creates a shell,
such as XTerm. The only available solutions at present are to rewrite the
daemon yourself, or.... not run it. The problem has been reported to CERT.
Subject: 16 Is there an implementation of NFS for the 3B2?
The person to contact about 3B2 software is Kristine Schneider
[708-979-1017]. I called her and obtained the following information
about NFS:
Latest Versions: 1.3
Requires: System V Rel 3.2.1 or 3.2.3, WIN/TCP 3.2 or higher
Product Code: C274-0NB3-000
List Price: $1295.00
This package is for the WE versions of the 3B2. NFS comes bundled with
SVR4 for RISC-based 3B2's. TCP/IP on the other hand, does not and has
to be purchased separately.
Subject: 17 What are the pinouts of those phone-like serial connectors?
The connectors 3B2's use are called RJ-45. They are 8 conductor
telephone like connectors, and lucky for us, are pretty standard.
You can either buy the cables and connectors from AT&T for an arm
and a leg, or elsewhere. I don't know about the cables, since I've
never bought them from anyone but AT&T, but I have made my own
RS-232 connectors with excellent results.
The following is an excellent description of the RJ-45 port on the
From: rthomas@hakatac.almanac.bc.ca (Robert N Thomas)
Looking into the 8 pin modular RJ-45 jack you'll see that pin 1
should be on the right.
Diagram of what you should see when looking
at an 8 PIN modular jack connector.
| 87654321 |
| |
+--+ +--+
| |
Ok, not all 3B2 8 pin modular jack connectors are created "EQUAL".
These beasties are used for running StarLan 1MBit, EPORTS cards,
PORTS cards, as well as for running ETHERNET 10MBits as well.
The pin outs for the two modular jack cables on the back of the
3B2, as well as for the PORTS card should be as follows:
PIN Lead Direction Explanation
===== ========== ============= ========================
1 PROT GRD Ground
2 reserved Not Connected
3 TXD0 Out Transmit Data
4 DTR0 Out Data Terminal Ready
5 RXD0 In Receive Data
6 DCD0 In Data Carrier Detect
7 SIG GRD Signal Ground
8 reserved Not Connected
The 2 modular jacks on the back of your machine should be labeled
console and contty. If your talking about a PORTS card, here is
what one looks like:
Centronics connector
for Parallel Printer
+------------+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
\ / | | | | | | | |
\________/ +-__-+ +-__-+ +-__-+ +-__-+
^ ^ ^ ^
The above 4 RJ45 connectors are for
plugging serial terminals into your 3B2.
The EPORTS card is card that has 8 RJ45 connectors (8 pin modular
jacks) on it. This card is where you would want to plug a high
speed modem onto your system, because the above connectors DO NOT
is as follows:
PIN Lead Direction Explanation
===== ========== ============= ========================
1 PROT GRD Ground
2 CTS Out Clear to Send
3 TXD0 Out Transmit Data
4 DTR0 Out Data Terminal Ready
5 RXD0 In Receive Data
6 DCD0 In Data Carrier Detect
7 SIG GRD Signal Ground
8 RTS In Request to send
CTS & RTS (if you have them).
Most 3B2 systems need to do the following to enable hardware
flow control. Otherwise the 3B2 will ignore RTS & CTS.
Also see the FAQ item about handing high speed modems on
EPORTS cards for more detailed information.
epstty hfc <-- XON/XOFF flow control must be disabled
before you do this. The stty command is
one way to disable XON/XOFF. Line
DISCIPLINES are another way to do this.
See etc/gettydefs file.
DTR0 notes. {3B2 uses this to signal DISCONNECT}
When the 3B2 is active on the port (waiting for someone
to logon to the port or whatever.), DTR is active. When
the 3B2 wishes to DISCONNECT (ie, too many wrong passwords,
or the user logs off the port), it will lower DTR momentarily.
If you are trying to get a modem to work, you might want
the modem to DISCONNECT the user when DTR is dropped..
DCD0 notes. {Used to tell 3B2 that the user has DROPPED CARRIER}
When the DCD is set inactive, the 3B2 will assume that the
user has either turned off the terminal, or dropped carrier.
If this occurs, the user is logged off the system, and
background tasks are aborted. If DCD is inactive, be
aware that NONE of the standard AT&T provided utilities
are capable of sending anything to the device. There is
a way to get around this in the more recent releases of
the 3B2's OS. See your admin documentation for details.
Otherwise, in the case of a MODEM, when the user drops
carrier, you want the modem to "momentarily" lower this
DCD0 just long enough for the 3B2 to realize that the user
has dropped carrier. The modem should then Re-ENABLE DCD0,
so that the 3B2 will be able to send data to the modem.
{needed for cu, and outbound UUCP to work correctly in
older releases of the OS}
Most semi-decent modems are capable of handling DCD and
DTR in a 3B2 friendly manner. I have done this with PEP's,
USR HST's, and MicroComm 9600 AX modems, without incident.
Subject: 18 What is the u3b. newsgroup heirarchy?
Don't worry about it, you're not missing anything. It's an almost
completely dead heirarchy that used to be about 3B2's and 3B1.
Discussions about 3B2's have migrated to comp.sys.att, and discussions
about 3B1's have migrated to comp.sys.3b1.
If you have any other questions, or better answers, please send
mail to 'greg@gagme.chi.il.us'
Gregory A. Gulik Call Gagme, a public access
greg@serveme.chi.il.us UNIX system at 312-282-8606
|| gulik@rtsg.mot.com For information, drop a note
to info@gagme.chi.il.us
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!stanford.edu!ames!haven.umd.edu!darwin.sura.net!gatech!rutgers!cmcl2!psinntp!psinntp!dg-rtp!usenet
From: rice@mirage.rtp.dg.com (Brian Rice)
Newsgroups: news.answers,alt.buddha.short.fat.guy
Subject: alt.buddha.short.fat.guy Frequently Asked Questions List
Summary: Starring a prominent religious figure who really is, plus EL DUPREE
Message-ID: <1992Sep14.182819.717@dg-rtp.dg.com>
Date: 14 Sep 92 18:28:19 GMT
Sender: usenet@dg-rtp.dg.com (Usenet Administration)
Reply-To: rice@dg-rtp.dg.com (Brian Rice)
Followup-To: alt.buddha.short.fat.guy
Organization: Data General Corporation, RTP, NC.
Lines: 183
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Archive-name: alt-buddha-short-fat-guy
Last-modified: $Date: 1992/09/14 18:20:14 $
This is the Frequently Asked Questions list for alt.buddha.short.fat.guy.
It is posted infrequently enough to be frustrating but often enough to
be annoying. Relax. Have a cigar.
Contents: 1. Getting Started
2. The Buddha
3. Buddha Nature
4. El Dupree
Send questions for inclusion in this list to Brian Rice <rice@dg-rtp.dg.com>
or Lindsey Durway <durway@dg-rtp.dg.com>.
Part 1. Getting Started
1-1. Does this newsgroup have a FAQ list?
1-2. How can I get it?
Apparently, you don't.
1-3. Does this newsgroup have a purpose?
1-4. Which is?
See question 1-2.
1-5. Is this an actual newsgroup, or is my system being toyed with?
Yes and yes.
Part 2. The Buddha
2-1. Who was the Buddha?
The Buddha, originally called Gautama, was a young Brahmin of
comfortable means who became disillusioned with his bourgeois
existence and set out to find himself. He adopted an austere
way of life, even abandoning his Doors tapes--certainly not
standard procedure for those on similar quests. Eventually,
he achieved enlightenment, whereupon he became known as "The
Buddha," "The Enlightened One," or, to his friends, "Budd Light."
2-2. Isn't it silly having so many names for one person?
I'm sorry. I can't argue unless you've paid.
2-3. Wait, what about the "Buddah"?
He spends his time hanging out with Ghandi in New Dheli. Munching
on gerkhins, no doubt.
2-4. Is the purpose of this newsgroup to insult the Buddha? |
No. However, since the last thing the Buddha wanted was |
veneration, perhaps we are insulting him by not insulting |
him. You have deeply troubled us. |
Part 3. Buddha Nature
3-1. What is Buddha nature?
As that prominent Buddhist, Louis Armstrong, said: "If you have
to ask, you'll never know."
3-2. Does "X" have Buddha nature?
"X" does, but you don't. Exception: if "X" is Ronald Reagan,
he doesn't and you do.
3-3. Could you repeat that?
Part 4. El Dupree
4-1. Does El Dupree have the Buddha Nature?
4-2. Does Buddha have the El Dupree Nature?
4-3. Who is El Dupree?
He is the Ghost of the Western Plain, an unbathed drifter of
much notoriety, who gave us the game CamChata, "Devil Fingers."
4-4. Huh?
What he said.
4-5. Are there koans in the tradition of El Dupree?
There were several developed in the 50's, but there are only
re-runs now.
4-6. Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Get serious. I've changed a lot since then.
4-7. Tell me a koan.
Read on:
El Dupree came upon an injured cur on the road to Mejave Mai.
"Rise cur," El Dupree said, casually pushing up the brim of his
big spangled sombrero. He sucked air through his teeth and waited.
The cur glanced sidelong at the colorful stranger and hissed,
"Yeah, riiiight. A fucking miracle worker? A talking hat? Funny
man from downtown?"
El Dupree reached for his revolver, hesitated, and instead, took out
a #14 vinyl headsack. Yes, it was going to be a long day, he thought.
And the dog was enlightened.
4-8. Do I have time for another koan?
You have 15 minutes before the last bus leaves. Read on:
Pepito could just see daylight through the seams of the #14 vinyl
headsack. He found that if he cocked his head slightly to one
side, he could glimpse, through the splitting seam of the headsack
(the aging headsack, the headsack that smelled of masa harina and
hair oil, the hated headsack of enforced ignorance), one crusty
corner of El Dupree's mouth. El Dupree licked his lips, his tongue
the color of well-cured meerschaum, and muttered, "Yust you vate."
Pepito was enlightened.
4-9. What's CamChata?
Read on:
The big-hatted lone figure on the horizon went unnoticed by the
sleeping man curled next to the pile of blackened chicken bones.
Faint dust devils rose behind the approaching stranger's horse and
the morning sun let play its light on the little dangling balls on
the brim of El Dupree's impressive sombrero. Yes, men had made fun
of the proud sombrero, but those men were dead, El Dupree thought
to himself as he spurred toward the sleeping man he would soon
awaken and challenge to the deadliest of all games, the game that
had made its way from Tierra del Fuego, across Chile, and into the
heart of Mexico: CamChata! Devil Fingers!!
4-10. Does CamChata hurt?
Oh, baby, does it ever. Read on:
I rebel.
Embrace me.
I rebel.
Yarn on the left, stones in groups of three and one, the
lizard bleeding from my fingernails.
I rebel.
4-11. Is there more poetry inspired by El Dupree?
Brian Rice rice@dg-rtp.dg.com +1 919 248-6328
DG/UX Software Quality Assurance
Data General Corp., Research Triangle Park, N.C.
"Als ich von dir denke, strahl' ich wie ein Kernkraftwerk." --Cynthia
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu alt.config:12875 news.groups:62256 news.answers:4457
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!spool.mu.edu!uunet!mcsun!uknet!gdt!aber!ccs
From: ccs@aber.ac.uk (Christopher Samuel)
Newsgroups: alt.config,news.groups,news.answers
Subject: Creating a new "alt" group -- guidelines
Summary: RTFSL
Keywords: group creation alt
Message-ID: <alt-config_723684470@aber.ac.uk>
Date: 6 Dec 92 23:27:58 GMT
Expires: Sun, 3 Jan 1993 23:27:50 GMT
Sender: ccs@aber.ac.uk (Christopher "Jd" Samuel)
Followup-To: alt.config
Organization: University of Wales - Aberystwyth - Prifysgol Cymru
Lines: 120
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Supersedes: <alt-config_722517882@aber.ac.uk>
X-Original-Poster: markw@gvlf8.gvl.unisys.com (Mark H. Weber)
Archive-name: alt-config-guide
Version: 1.3
Last-modified: Thu Oct 22 16:36:09 GMT 1992
Guidelines for the creation of an "alt" group.
There are no rules or guidelines for creation of "alt" groups, However
there does appear to be an established procedure which follows. First a
quick bit of common-sense on choosing the name:
When choosing a name for a group please note the only commandment: Thou
shalt not choose a group name which may cause network harm or harm to a
local machine.
[preceding line to Sender had <CR> deleted; also the
trailing : can cause problems in some news systems]
Now the Guidelines:
1) Propose a new alt group in alt.config. The proposal
should include a charter or purpose for the new group, and
some demonstration of the need for the group. It is best to
make it clear in your subject line that you are proposing a
new group. Be prepared to explain why an existing group cannot
be used for this purpose, and why the group should be in "alt"
rather than in one of the mainstream hierarchies (like
"rec", "sci", etc.). Avoiding the complexity of the
mainstream group creation procedure is not a very good
reason, groups should not be created in "alt" just because
it's easier. Many sites do not get any alt groups, so if
you are proposing a serious group, it is worth the effort to
try to get it into a mainstream hierarchy.
2) See what the alt.net.opinion of the new group is. Wait a
few days for replies to trickle in from the far corners of
the net. If the consensus (however you determine that) is
that the group should be created, then proceed to step 3.
(these first two steps are often ignored, which usually
leads to unpleasantness in step 4 below)
3) Post a "newgroup" control message. If you don't know
how to do this, check with your news administrator. If you
ARE your news administrator, and you can't figure it out
from the documentation you have (or don't have any
documentation) send me mail and I will help you. NOTE that
many sites do NOT automatically honor "newgroup" and
"rmgroup" control messages, the news software at these sites
will send mail to the news administrator, who will evaluate
your request and decide whether or not to create the group.
It may take a couple of days for the control message to
propagate and be acted upon, so don't expect instant
availability of the new group, particularly if you post the
control message on a Friday night.
NB: It is good manners to put a description of the new
newsgroup into the newgroup message, along with a
one-line description suitable for inclusion into the
newsgroups file.
4) Let the individual site news administrators decide
whether to honor your "newgroup" message. Most admins
prefer that the message come from a verifiable account,
messages which are obviously forged, or have not been
discussed in alt.config and contain no explanation will
probably not be honored by many sites. Persons opposed to
the group, or admins who feel that the newgroup message was
a forgery may send out "rmgroup" messages to try to sabotage
the group. It may take several iterations of this process
to firmly establish the new group. It has been humorously
suggested that only alt groups which get 100 more "newgroup"
than "rmgroup" messages should be established. However,
these "rmgroup wars" are annoying to news administrators,
and reduce the overall acceptance (and distribution) of the
"alt" hierarchy. This is the reason that steps 1 and 2
above are important.
This may sound like a lot of rigamarole, and it is. The purpose is to
discourage creation of alt groups that might be better off as mainstream
groups, or that might be better off left uncreated.
Don't take this all too seriously, though. The "alt" net is the last
remaining refuge away from the control freaks, namespace purists and
net.cops (like myself) that maintain and enforce the mainstream
newsgroup guidelines.
There is still some room for spontaneity out here on the "alt" frontier.
Successful groups have been created without following these suggestions.
Almost any non-forged, serious newgroup message will at least be
considered by most news admins. Some groups have been created just on a
whim. The concept behind the group better be good (or a least
entertaining), though!
[ If you want more information on mainstream group creation see the post
"How to Create a New Newsgroup" posted to news.answers, news.admin and
news.groups. ]
Christopher Samuel, c/o Computer Unit, UCW Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth, WALES
RFC: ccs@aber.ac.uk UUCP: *!mcsun!uknet!aber!ccs JNT: ccs@uk.ac.aber
Deddf Iaith Newydd i Gymru | New Language Act for Wales
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu alt.security:8507 comp.security.misc:2082 news.answers:4496
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!news.media.mit.edu!micro-heart-of-gold.mit.edu!wupost!spool.mu.edu!agate!doc.ic.ac.uk!uknet!gdt!aber!aem
From: aem@aber.ac.uk (Alec David Muffett)
Newsgroups: alt.security,comp.security.misc,news.answers
Subject: FAQ: Computer Security Frequently Asked Questions
Summary: Answers to questions which appear in alt.security/comp.security.misc
Keywords: Security FAQ
Message-ID: <alt.security_723854602@aber.ac.uk>
Date: 8 Dec 92 22:43:25 GMT
Expires: Tue, 12 Jan 1993 22:43:22 GMT
Sender: aem@aber.ac.uk (Alec David Muffett)
Followup-To: poster
Organization: University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Lines: 1137
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Supersedes: <alt.security_720884532@aber.ac.uk>
Archive-name: alt-security-faq
Last-modified: 1992/6/20
Version: 1.4
Version History:
1.4 Fixed John Haugh's name, modified entry for "shadow"
Added Ulf Kieber's update on the rainbow series
Added bit about Karila paper
1.3: Tweak for comp.security.misc/news.answers
Updated entry for orange book (foreign purchases)
1.2: Undocumented prior to this
Almost Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Security*
*(but were afraid to ask!)
This document is meant to answer some of the questions which regularly
appear in the Usenet newsgroups "comp.security.misc" and "alt.security",
and is meant to provide some background to the subject for newcomers to
that newsgroup.
This FAQ is maintained by Alec Muffett (aem@aber.ac.uk, uknet!aber!aem),
with contributions from numerous others [perhaps]. The views expressed
in the document are the personal views of the author(s), and it should
not be inferred that they are necessarily shared by anyone with whom the
author(s) are now, or ever may be, associated.
Many thanks go to (in no particular order): Steve Bellovin, Matt Bishop,
Mark Brader, Ed DeHart, Dave Hayes, Jeffrey Hutzelman, William LeFebvre,
Wes Morgan, Rob Quinn, Chip Rosenthal, Wietse Venema, Gene Spafford,
John Wack and Randall Atkinson.
Disclaimer: Every attempt is made to ensure that the information
contained in this FAQ is up to date and accurate, but no responsibility
will be accepted for actions resulting from information gained herein.